By its ideals, the Freemasonry attracted people who became famous in different fields: art, music, philosophy, sciences etc.
A true Freemason is not a perfect being, but he learns to know his weaknesses and his limitations, he aspires to overcome them. He discovers himself and he discovers the world around him.
He develops his curiosity, open-mindedness, discipline, taste for study, capacity for reflection and application, by accumulating experience that leads him to wisdom.
To be a Freemason means to continually work on one’s self-improvement.
It is an individual spiritual journey, but traveled in the company of colleagues, with whom a real fraternity is woven. With them, he experiences empathy, mutual aid. He becomes an example of conduct in his environment.
Above all, a true Freemason models for himself a character of integrity, thanks to which he aligns in balance his thoughts, his words and his deeds.

As Nietzsche said: “You must become the man (n.b. the woman) that you are. Do what only you can do. Become unceasingly what you are, be the master and the sculptor of yourself”.